
Banner Bio – Howard Austin

HOWARD ALBERT AUSTIN, III (Howie). Born January 31, 1948 in New York, New York, son of Howard Albert Austin (Class of ’37) and Mary Virginia Snow Austin. Attended Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. History major; Dean’s List, 1965-66, 1966-67 (fall term). Resident: Calhoun (Debating Team, 1965-67). Zeta Psi, 1967-69; Freshman Heavyweight Crew, 1965-66, numerals; Varsity Lightweight Crew, 1966-69, Minor Y, 1967,-68. Roommate: George Gordon Strong. Future study: Medicine. Future occupation: Physician. Address:…


Banner Bio – Thaddeus Beal

THADDEUS REYNOLDS BEAL, JR. Born August 12, 1947 in Boston, Massachusetts, son of Thaddeus Reynolds Beal (Class of ’39) and Katherine Putnam Beal. Attended Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, Connecticut. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Administrative Sciences major. Resident: Pierson. Roommate: John Bodine Babcock, Jr. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: 108 Brattle Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138


Banner Bio – Barton Billard

BARTON DAWES BILLARD (Bart, Sly Bah-tie). Born April 14, 1947 in Teaneck, New Jersey, son of Jules Benoit Billard and Dorothy L. Billard. Attended W. Whitman School, Bethesda, Maryland. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Physics major. Resident: Pierson. Swimming, 1965-69, numerals. Roommates: J. Parks, M. Collier, S. Billick. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: 5703 Cromwell Drive, Washington, D.C. 20016.


Banner Bio – Richard Breitman

RICHARD DAVID BREITMAN (Rich). Born March 27, 1947 in Hartford, Connecticut, son of Saul Harold Breitman and Gloria Pearl Salz Breitman. Attended Conard High School, West Hartford, Connecticut. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive Modern European History and Politics major; Ranking Scholar, 1965-66, 1966-67. Resident: Morse (Bowling, 1966-69, Captain, 1967-69). Phi Beta Kappa, 1968; WYBC, 1966; Political Union, 1965; Hillel; Freshman Tennis, 1965-66, numerals; Varsity Tennis, 1966-68, Major Y, 1968. Future study: Teaching, Journalism, or Government….


Banner Bio – Charles Buck

CHARLES HENRY BUCK, III (Charlie). Born March 7, 1946 in Boston, Massachusetts, son of Charles Henry Buck, Jr. and the late Elizabeth Rose Richards Buck, stepson of Elizabeth de la Rodie Greenleaf Buck. Attended Milton Academy, Milton, Massachusetts. Entered Yale Sept., 1964. Absent from Yale Sept., 1966 to Sept., 1967. Member of the Ciass of 1968 from Sept., 1964 to Sept., 1967. History of Music major. Resident: Pierson. Zeta Psi, pocket billiards champion, 1968; Skull…


Banner Bio – William Caltrider

WILLIAM RODGERS CALTRIDER, JR. (Bill). Born September 30, 1947 in Baltimore, Maryland, son of William Rodgers Caltrider and Myrtle Ashley Coleman Caltrider. Attended Parkville High School, Baltimore, Maryland. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive American Studies major. Resident: Davenport (Dramatic Association, 1966-67; Coed Week Committee, 1968; Tackle Football, 1965). Yale Ad Hoc Coed Committee, 1968; Political Union, 1965-66; Young Republican Club, 1965-66; Yale Freshman Glee Club, 1965-66; Yale Apollo Glee Club, 1965-68; Yale Glee Club, 1967-69;…


Banner Bio – George Chu

GEORGE S. T. CHU. Born January 23, 1948 in New York, New York, son of Hung-Ti Chu and Esther Briney Chu. Attended Mt. Vernon High School, Mt. Vernon, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. French major. Resident: Saybrook. Roommates: Ger-son Samuel Sher, Robert Ware Griggs. Future occupation: Undecided. . Address: 66 Magnolia Avenue, Mt. Vernon, New York 10553.


Banner Bio – John Compton

JOHN LEE COMPTON (Lee). Born July 23, 1947 in San Francisco, California, son of John M. Compton and Kathryn Cotten Compton. Attended Palo Alto Senior High School, Palo Alto, California. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Molecular Biophysics major; Dean’s List, 1965-66, 1966-67 (fall term). Resident: Ezra Stiles (Swimming, 1966-69). Phi Gamma Alpha, 1967; Varsity Track, 1967-69. Future occupation: Research, Teaching (college level). Address: 112 Walter Hays Drive, Palo Alto, California 94303.


Banner Bio – Mark Curchack

MARK PHILIP CURCHACK. Born October 1, 1948 in New York, New York, son of Irving Bernard Curchack and Beulah Gloria Gold Curchack. Attended Memorial High School, Cedar Grove, New Jersey. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive Culture and Behavior major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (spring term); Ranking Scholar, 1966-67. Resident: Davenport (Soccer, 1965). Freshman Glee Club, 1965-66; Apollo Glee Club, 1966; Yale Glee Club, 1967-69; Fraternal Order of Bachelors, 1965-67, Business Manager, 1966-67. Future study: Anthropology. Future…


Banner Bio – Robert Dering

ROBERT FRANK DERING (Bob). Born October 31, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois, son of Frank K. Dering and Irene Cerny Dering. Attended Brother Rice High School, Chicago, Illinois. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. English major; Dean’s List, 1965-66, 1966-67. Resident: Calhoun. (College Council, 1965-66; Education Committee, 1967-69; Social Committee, 1966-67). Yale Record, 1965-67, Personnel Manager, 1966-67. Roommates: George Holliday Hume, Gregory Edward Lawler. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: 10619 South Fair-field Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60655.


Banner Bio – Stephen Dunwell

STEPHEN WARNER DUNWELL, JR. (Steve). Born September 11, 1947 in New Rochelle, New York, son of Stephen W. Dunwell and Julia Frances McClure Dunwell. Attended Oakwood School, Poughkeepsie, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Biology major; Dean’s List, 1966-67 (spring term); National Merit Scholarship, 1965-69; New York State Regents Scholarship, National Science Foundation Research Fellowship (not exercised). Resident: Branford. Scroll and Key. Roommate: David L. Minehart. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: 95 Kingwood Park, Poughkeepsie, New…


Banner Bio – Gary Fauth

GARY RICHARD FAUTH. Born June 13, 1947 in Oak Park, Illinois, son of Albert C. Fauth and Helene C. Ostermeier Fauth. Attended Oak Park and River Forest High School, Oak Park, Illinois. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Economics major; Dean’s List, 1965-66, 1966-67 (spring term); Ranking Scholar, 1966-67 (fall term); Yale Scholarship Trust of Illinois, 1965-69. Resident: Calhoun. Yale Marching Band, 1965-69; Yale Concert Band, 1965-69; Yale Symphony Orchestra, 1966-69. Roommate: Philip C. Williams. Future occupation:…


Banner Bio – Maurice Franklin

MAURICE EDWARD FRANKLIN (Ed). Born December 28, 1947 in Massillon, Ohio, son of Willie James Franklin and Pauline Russell Franklin. Attended Washington High School, Massillon, Ohio. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. American Studies major; Frank L. Baldwin Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident: Davenport. Elihu, 1968-69; Freshman Football, 1965, numerals; Varsity Football, 1966-68, Major Y, 1966,-67,-68; Varsity Track, 1966-68. Future study: Law. Future occupation: Law, Community Relations. Address: 1118 14th Street S. E., Massillon, Ohio 44646.


Banner Bio – Donald Galligan

DONALD JAMES GALLIGAN, JR. (Don). Born May 31, 1947 in New Haven, Connecticut, son of Donald James Galligan and Patricia Agnes Callahan Galligan. Attended Amity Regional High School, Woodbridge, Connecticut. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Administrative Sciences major; Yale Club of New Haven Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident: Morse. Beta Club, 1967-69; Alpha Phi Omega, 1966-69, Campus Chairman, 1967-68; Freshman Lightweight Crew, 1965-66, numerals; Varsity Lightweight Crew, 1966-69, Minor Y, 1966-67, Major Y, 1967-68,-68-69. Roommates: B. Patrick Madden,…


Banner Bio – Garrard Glenn

GARRARD LEE GLENN (Gar). Born March 15, 1946 in Charlottesville, Virginia, son of Garrard Wood Glenn (Class of ’33) and Priscilla Roberts Brewster, stepson of Edward Cox Brewster (Class of ’32). Attended St. Paul’s School, Concord, New Hampshire. Entered Yale Sept., 1964. Absent from Yale Jan., 1967 to Jan., 1968. History major. Resident: Ezra Stiles (Crew). Scroll and Key; Fence Club. Roommate: Timothy P. Kuhn. Future occupation: Undecided. Address c/o E. C. Brewster, Easton, Maryland.


Banner Bio – Joseph Green

JOSEPH BENJAMIN GREEN. Born October 23, 1947 in New York, New York, son of Henry Green and Ruth Lein. Attended Horace Mann School, New York, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive American Studies major. Resident: Saybrook (Tennis, 1966-69). Yale Banner Publications, Yearbook Editor, 1967-68, Editor-in-Chief, 1968-69. Roommates: John R. Mazer, John B. Waldman, F. Kenneth Wolfe, ill. Future study: Law. Future occupation: Law. Address: 8 East 77 Street, New York, New York 10021.