
Banner Bio – Daniel Duke

DANIEL LINDEN DUKE (Danny). Born June 21, 1947 in Richmond, Virginia, son of the late Wheat Daniel Duke and Gale Linden Duke. Attended Thomas Jefferson High School, Richmond, Virginia. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Scholar of the House in African Studies; National Science Foundation Fellowship in economics, 1968; Dean’s List, 1965-66, 1966-67. Resident: Davenport (Bowling, 1965-69;…


Banner Bio – Todd Everett

TODD HARRISON EVERETT. Son of George Todd Everett and Helen Stewart Burton Everett. Attended Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. American Studies major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (fall term). Resident (non-resident member, 1968-69): Branford (College Council, 1965-67; College Forum, 1966-67, Chairman; Squash, 1965-66). St. Anthony Hall, 1966-69; Yale Daily News, Editorial Board, 1968-69; Freshman…


Banner Bio – Reginald Ford

REGINALD EUGENE FORD, III. Born July 3, 1947 in Rockville Centre, New York, son of Reginald E. Ford and Dorothea Ryan Ford. Attended Horace Greeley High School, Chappaqua, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. History and American Studies major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (spring term); National Merit Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident: Saybrook. Political Union, 1965-66; U. S….


Banner Bio – Wilson Funkhouser

WILSON PRESTON FUNKHOUSER, JR. (Funky). Born November 15, 1946 in Roanoke, Virginia, son of the late Wilson P. Funkhouser and the late Frances M. Funk-houser. Attended St. Christopher’s School, Richmond, Virginia. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. English major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (fall term); Ranking Scholar, 1965-66 (fall term); Yale Club of Virginia Scholarship, 1965-67. Resident: Silliman….


Banner Bio – John Gottshall

JOHN FREDERICK GOTTSHALL. Born June 28, 1947 in Reading, Pennsylvania, son of Thomas Huber Gottshall and Hazel Marguerite Rush Gott-shall. Attended Boyertown Area High School, Boyertown, Pennsylvania. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Mathematics major; Dean’s List, 1966-67 (fall term); Army R.O.T.C. Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident: Morse (College Council, 1968, Vice-President; Morse-Wilbur Cross Tutoring Program, 1968; Tackle Football,…


Banner Bio – Thomas Guterbock

THOMAS MARTIN GUTERBOCK (Tom). Born July 21, 1948 in Ankara, Turkey, son of Hans Gustav Guterbock and Frances Heilman Guterbock. Attended University of Chicago Laboratory High School, Chicago, Illinois. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive History, the Arts, and Letters major; Dean’s List, 1966-67 (fall term). Resident: Silliman. Scroll and Key, 1968-69; WYBC, 1966-69, Vice-Chairman, 1968;…


Banner Bio – Allen Hazen

ALLEN PATTERSON HAZEN. Born January 23, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois, son of Allen Tracy Hazen (Class of ’27) and Edith Patterson Hazen. Attended Birch Wathen School, New York, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive Philosophy major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (fall term); Columbia University Faculty Children’s Scholarship, 1965-69. Non-Resident Member: Morse. Future occupation: Philosopher, Teaching…


Banner Bio – Michael Hertz

MICHAEL JAMES HERTZ. Born July 17, 1948 in Allentown, Pennsylvania, son of Charles S. Hertz, M.D. and Lillian Stokes Hertz. Attended Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, New Hampshire. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Spanish major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (fall term), 1966-67 (fall term); Ranking Scholar, 1966-67 (spring term). Resident: Morse (Squash, 1967-68; Softball, 1966-68). Fence Club, Vice-President,…


Banner Bio – Robert Horvitz

ROBERT JOSEPH HORVITZ (Bob). Born April 4, 1947 in New Bedford, Massachusetts, son of the late Sydney Joseph Horvitz and Nancy Turner Horvitz. Attended Buch-tel High School, Akron, Ohio, and Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive Art major. Resident: Davenport (Arts Festival, Director, 1968; Felon’s Head, 1967-68, Feature Editor, 1967- 68; Course…


Banner Bio – David Jacobson

DAVID WEIL JACOBSON (Jack). Born May 11, 1947 in Washington, D.C., son of Harvey Basil Jacobson and Ruth Claire Weil Jacobson. Attended Lan-don School, Bethesda, Maryland. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. English major. Resident: Morse (Tennis, 1967-68; Softball, 1966-68). Beta Club, 1966-69; Dramat, 1967-68; Political Union, 1965-67; Dwight Hall, 1966-68. Roommate: Frederick Thaler Goldberg. Future occupation:…


Banner Bio – David Joseph

DAVID ALAN JOSEPH. Born October 10, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois, son of Joseph W. Joseph and Loraine Brin Joseph. Attended Highland Park High School, Highland Park, Illinois. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Psychology major. Resident: Jonathan Edwards (Football, 1966-68; Hockey, 1966-69; Bowling, 1967-69). Political Union, 1965-66; Hillel, 1965-69; Freshman Football, 1965. Roommate: Charles Lew Lerman. Future…


Banner Bio – Randall Kennon

RANDALL HOWE KENNON (Randy, Rocket). Born July 3, 1947 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, son of Ralph Crawford Kennon and Suzanne Vivian Satterlee Kennon. Attended Pasadena High School, Pasadena, California. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Political Science major: Mary A. and Lena A. Gordan Scholarship, 1966-67; John P. Meyer Scholarship, 1967-69. Resident: Davenport (Soccer, 1967-68). Class Gift Fund…


Banner Bio – Lance Konselman

LANCE MARCONNAY KONSELMAN. Born April 1, 1947 in Mineola, New York, son of the late Charles Bremer DeB.M. Konselman, Jr. and Elenora Marcia Rofe Konselman. Attended Garden City High School, Carden City, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. History major. Resident: Davenport. Zeta Psi, 1966-69, Sigma Rho, 1967-68; Political Union, Progressive Party Whip, 1965-66; Republican…


Banner Bio – Richard Larkin

RICHARD RENICK LARKIN (Rick). Born December 19, 1946 in Cincinnati, Ohio, son of Brooks Spargur Larkin and Elizebeth Pratt Larkin. Attended Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, New Hampshire. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. English major. Resident: Morse (College Council; Social Committee; Disco. Committee, Chairman). Aurelian Society; Fence Club, Rush Committee Chairman; Freshman Soccer, 1965; Freshman Lacrosse, 1966,…