
Banner Bio – Lawrence Kreider

LAWRENCE EARL KREIDER, JR. (Larry). Born September 15, 1947 in Fukuoka, Japan, son of Lawrence Earl Kreider and Glea Aileen Hathaway Kreider. Attended Horace Greeley High School, Chap-paqua, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Economics major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (spring term), 1966-67 (spring term). Resident: Morse (Soccer, 1968). Yale Marching Band, 1968; Freshman Cross Country, 1965, numerals; Varsity Cross Country, 1966-67, Major Y, 1968; Freshman Track, 1966, numerals; Varsity Track, 1967-69, Major Y, 1967,-68,-69. Roommates:…


Banner Bio – Joel Lawson

JOEL SMITH LAWSON, III (Jes). Born June 18, 1947 in New York, New York, son of Joel Smith Lawson, II and Grace Colgate Rumbough Lawson. Attended Browne and Nichols School, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive Economics major; Dean’s List, 1966-67 (spring term). Resident: Pierson (Ad Hoc Committee for Noyes Affiliation, 1966; Soccer, 1966-68). Zeta Psi, 1966-68; Yale Management Association, 1967-68; Freshman Glee Club, 1965-66. Future study: Business Administration. Future occupation: Latin American Developmental…


Banner Bio – David Lohman

DAVID HENRY LOHMAN. Born January 21, 1947 in Twin Falls, Idaho, son of Alfred Henry Lohman and Neva Eleanor Wittees Lohman. Attended Ashland High School, Ashland, Oregon. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Attended University of Hamburg, Germany, Oct., 1967 to August, 1968. English major; J. Edward Meeker Prize, second place, in English, 1966; Resident: Jonathan Edwards (College Aide, 1967; Gilbert & Sullivan Society, 1966-67,-69; Swimming, 1966-67,-69). Dramat; Gymnastics, 1966. Roommate: William O. Gallery. Future occupation: Undecided….


Banner Bio – Harold Mancusi-Ungaro

HAROLD RAYMOND MANCUSI-UNGARO, JR. (Hal, HR). Born May 6, 1947 in Newark, New Jersey, son of Harold Raymond Mancusi-Ungaro (Class of ’40) and Freda Liebman Mancusi-Ungaro. Attended Montclair High School, Montclair, New Jersey. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Scholar of the House in History of Art. Resident: Morse (Social Committee, 1967-69, Secretary, 1967-68, Secretary-Treasurer, 1968-69; Morse Chorus). Yale Banner Publications, 1965-69, Photographer; Football, 1966-69, Junior Manager, 1967-68, Freshman Manager, 1968-69, Minor Y, 1967. Future study: Medicine….


Banner Bio – Thomas McCaughey

THOMAS KINNAN McCAUGHEY (Tom). Born January 13, 1947 in White Plains, New York, son of Patrick Edward McCaughey and Sylvia McCaugh-ey. Attended Millburn High School, Millburn, New Jersey. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Political Science major. Resident: Ezra Stiles (Hockey, 1967-69; “B” Basketball, 1967-69). Beta Club, 1968-69; Yale Daily News, Projects Director, 1968-69; Chess Club, 1968-69; Yale Charities Drive, 1966-69, Treasurer, 1969; Freshman Football, 1965, numerals. Future occupation: Law or Government Service. Address: 2841 Brandon Road,…


Banner Bio – Terrence Miller

TERRENCE CLARK MILLER (Terry). Born June 2, 1947 in New Rochelle, New York, son of the late John Francis Miller, M.D. and Henrietta Clark Miller. Attended Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, New Hampshire. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Attended University of Southampton, Oct., 1967 to June, 1968. Engineering and Applied Science major; Ranking Scholar, 1965-66 (spring term), 1966-67 (fall term). Resident: Berkeley (Swimming, 1966-67). Tau Beta Pi, 1968; Alpha Phi Omega, 1966-69; Crew (150-lb.), 1968-69. Future occupation:…


Banner Bio – Gene Moore

GENE MARTIN MOORE. Born April 23, 1948 in San Antonio, Texas, son of Alanson Wood Moore and Laura Victoria Martin Moore. Attended Lincoln High School, Stockton, California, and Cordova High School, Rancho Cordova, California. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. English major; Meeker Fund Second Prize for English Essay, 1966; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (fall term); Ranking Scholar, 1965-66 (spring term). Resident: Pierson {Sol, Literary Magazine, 1966-68, Editor; College Aide, 1967-68). Freshman Rifle Team, 1965-66, Captain, numerals. Future…


Banner Bio – Scott Nelson

SCOTT MCLEOD NELSON. Born February 20, 1947 in Cleveland, Ohio, son of John Shelly Nelson (Class of ’41) and Margaret Isabelle Dunn Nelson. Attended Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, Connecticut. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive Psychology major. Resident: Silliman. Indian Neck Folk Festival, 1966-69; Apollo Glee Club, 1966-69, Manager, 1967-68; Yale Glee Club, 1968-69. Future study: Medicine. Future occupation: Physician. Address: 212 Wintergreen Hill, Painesville, Ohio 44077.


Banner Bio – Raymond Nunn

RAYMOND SPENCER NUNN. Born January 14, 1947 in Birmingham, Alabama, son of Edward Raymond Nunn and Queen Esther Moss Nunn. Attended Brighton High School, Brighton, Alabama. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive major, Division IV. Resident: Branford. Aurelian Society; Elihu; Student Advisory Board, 1968-69, Chairman; Afro-American Studies Committee, 1967-69. Roommate: W. Stantley Rice. Future study: Law. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: Rt. 4, Box 525-B, Gray’s Drive, Bessemer, Alabama 35020.


Banner Bio – David Peach

DAVID EDWARD PEACH. Born November 8, 1947 in Hanover, New Hampshire, son of Edward Tucker Peach and Dolly Elizabeth Greene Peach. Attended Joel Barlow Regional High School, Redding, Connecticut, and Colegio de Applicacao, Belo Horizonte, M.G., Brazil. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Chemistry major; Ranking Scholar, 1965-66, 1966-67. Resident: Davenport (Writers’ Workshop, 1968-69). Phi Beta Kappa, 1968-69; Soccer, 1965-66. Roommate- Gerrard A. Paquin. Future study: Medicine. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: R.D. 1, Rockhouse Road, West Redding,…


Banner Bio – Vincent Pitts

VINCENT JOSEPH PITTS (Vinnie, Vin). Born November 1, 1947 in New Haven, Connecticut, son of Forrest Vincent Pitts and Madeline C. Napolitano Pitts. Attended Notre Dame High School, West Haven, Connecticut. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive History major; Sydney Knox Mitchell Prize in History, 1966; Andrew D. White Prize in History, 1967; R. C. Bates Fellow, 1968; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (fall term); Ranking Scholar, 1965-66 (spring term), 1966-67; State of Connecticut Scholar, 1965-69; Yale-New Haven…


Banner Bio – George Priest

GEORGE LLOYD PRIEST. Born November 24, 1947 in Denver, Colorado, son of George G. Priest and Elizabeth A. Steinmetz Priest. Attended Lakewood High School, Lakewood, Colorado. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. American Studies major; J. Fred Brown Scholarship, 1965-66. Non-Resident Member: Saybrook (College Council, 1966-67; Football, 1967-68; “A” Basketball, 1967-69; “B” Basketball, 1966-68, Captain, 1967-68). Colorado-Yale Club, 1966-69, President, 1967-69; Yale Daily News, Business Manager, 1968-69; Yale Kayak Team, 1967-69, Captain, 1968-69. Married Kathy Kiefer (Vassar,…


Banner Bio – John Ricotta

JOHN JOSEPH RICOTTA. Born September 13, 1949 in Buffalo, New York, son of Joseph J. Ricotta, M.D. and Joan G. Tarantino Ricotta. Attended Calasanctius Preparatory School, Buffalo, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive Biology major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (spring term), 1966-67 (fall term). Resident: Silliman (Football, 1965-69; Soccer, 1969; Softball, 1966-69; “B” Basketball, 1969). Political Union, 1965; Thomas More House Council, 1967-68; LINK, 1965-69. Roommate: Steven A. Malsin. Future study: Medicine. Future occupation: Physician….


Banner Bio – David Rosen

DAVID BENZION ROSEN. Born March 14, 1948 in Brooklyn, New York, son of Murray Rosen and Gladys Levine Rosen. Attended Fair Lawn High School, Fair Lawn, New Jersey. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. English major; Andrew D.^White Prize in History, 1966; Dean’s List, 1965-66, 1966-67. Resident: Calhoun (College Council, 1968-69; Fellowship Committee). Elihu; Elizabethan Club; WYBC: Yale Friends of the Hill Parents Association. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: 16-03 Mandon Place, Fair Lawn, New Jersey


Banner Bio – Eric Sandberg

ERIC CLARK SANDBERG. Born June 9, 1947 in Manhattan, Kansas, son of Harold Ray Sandberg and Yoland Clark Sandberg. Attended Greeley Central High School, Greeley, Colorado. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Philosophy major. Resident: Calhoun (Basketball, 1967-69). Roommate: Barry L. Bull. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: 1305 Scott Street, Midland, Michigan 48640.


Banner Bio – David Scott

DAVID TUCKER SCOTT. Born December 17, 1947 in Memphis, Tennessee, son of Burton Troy Scott and Dorothy Duke Scott. Attended Kingsbury High School, Memphis, Tennessee. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Psychology major; Ranking Scholar, 1965-66, 1966-67 (spring term); National Merit Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident: Trumbull. Political Union, 1965-66; Republican Club, 1965-66; The Ripon Society, 1966-69; Battell Chapel, Associate Member, 1965-69; St. Thomas More Tutor, 1967. Roommate: Timothy Titus Yates. Future study: Developmental Psychology. Future occupation: Child Psychologist….